
Meditation:The First & Last Freedom

Original price was: $20.00.Current price is: $15.00.

This book is a compilation drawn from Osho’s many years of work on meditation. It contains a wide variety of meditation techniques – some traditional, like Zazen, the ancient Buddhist practice, others are Osho’s unique formula especially designed for the 21st century seeker. In addition, Osho answers questions about some of the more common obstacles meditators may meet along the way. An invaluable companion for the sincere seeker. This book is a practical, step-by-step guide to sixty-three meditation techniques developed specifically for the needs of twentieth-century persons. Osho believed that modern man, so burdened with the outmoded traditions of the past and distracted by the particular anxieties of the present, must go through a cleansing process before he can enjoy the states necessary for true meditation. So, in addition to classical techniques, Osho guides the initiate through to modern technique.